
Sunday, February 20, 2011

`Response to the SOUL on which i Repose`

When I met her in love.

Alienated, starved, lost in love,

I saw into her eyes, felt her pulse, and visited her soul.

This ponders me, whose sorrow connects so genuinely with mine... is ME, is Her's;

oh! she's MINE;

I have given my life at 17, to a girl who has always cared for it.

I have believed and made all lies true .

I banked it true, whatnot came tall;

I fingered it, when I rued the most;

I thumb-up to possess love and lose

Dry-eyed; Than never to savor love at all.

It is time to set free, the person I am so madly in love with. I do feel elevated

but I also feel sorry for the cause that I had believed in.

God only knows, how much I had loved her, and I couldn’t help but set her free;

As this is what she wanted, and how can I not give her- what she wants.

Like all my loved ones- she is now mine, 'unceasingly '.

............................................................[For HER.... ..with Love & Throe]

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


we know.....& believe, is the city of joy... Being the hope & future of "Amader Kolkata", we the youth have many task to do....

To start with------- i believe we must take some strong steps to make our city politically stable. I mean, regular strikes, busy-road blockades, picketing & other politically "misused" stunts need to be completely washed-off . Freedom & fundamental rights always need to be taken care of; should be practiced only when required & within limit. In different recent incidents, we get a clear picture of our status (in terms of development) as compared to the other cities of our motherland. Its so shameful, b'coz, we, who r in no place in the list of most advanced cities at present, had been the leader & ace for a long time.......showing route of advancement across India. Its not that Kolkata is not developing; but the development becomes visibly-negligible, b'coz of the different unsystematic political meddling, causing trouble to the general public in their daily life.

Politics itself isn't bad; but when its exploited, misused & becomes troublesome for general people, is then regarded as curse. Politics, when practised in a way it should be, can prove to be benefitial, both for the politicians, as well as for the general people. Friends, if u believe in urself, and if u love ur city "kolkata", then come, lets make a forum for the youth, and invite all the like-minded people, and work together to fight against all evils, which r darkening our society & city. I believe, if people of every city come forward with this motive, we can ensure a better INDIA, without much discomfort.

Though our basic motive/aim may be ensuring a stable political environment, still, equally important is the necessity to erradicate corruption & addiction in students.

All sorts of suggestions & Everybody's participation is welcome.
\*\*\REMEMBER-------Caste, Religion, Gender, Financial status, Age, Language.......are not barriers to join this forum/*/*/